
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Top 5 SNES RPG Games

Number 1: Chrono Trigger

chrono triggerChrono Trigger is definitely my favorite SNES RPG. It has one of the sweetest characters ever in any game (Magus, of course) and features a moving storyline that includes time travel to various eras. This feature allows for various settings, from prehistoric to futuristic. Combat features combo attacks with 2 or even all 3 of your characters. Chrono Trigger is one of the most unique games I've ever played. And who doesn't love a game with a broadsword-wielding frog?

Number 2: Secret of Mana

secret-of-mana-title-screenThis is another action-oriented title. The gameplay is fast-paced and very entertaining, and was one of the few that you can play multiplayer on. I loved the style and humor that were put into this game, not to mention the beautiful (for the time) graphics. Secret of Mana only has 3 playable characters, but each one has different strengths and weaknesses. And this is another game whose story is a really great adventure. It was really hard for me to choose not to put this one at the top of the list.

Number 3: Final Fantasy III

ff6Final Fantasy III probably has one of the best storylines in any game ever. You are first introduced to Terra, the last living human who can use magic. She is being hunted by the Empire. From these beginnings, an epic and often very moving story is spun. This game has some of the best graphics on the SNES, and some of the best music as well, featuring different themes for many characters. This game features a whopping 14 playable characters, every one of which is developed during the game.

Number 4: Final Fantasy II

ff5This installment in the Final Fantasy line, also known as FF5, is a classic SNES RPG. While it lacks some of the refinements of later titles in this series, it's still a great game. It was responsible for introducing many of the elements that are common in many RPGs today. This one was later re-released for the GBA, so you can pick up this title for either system.

Number 5: Seiken Densetsu 3

Seiken-Densetsu-3This game was originally only available in Japanese, but an English translation was made by a gamer and released onto the Internet. This is a great game with action-oriented gameplay (as opposed to turn-based, like many of these RPGs). The story depends on which of the 6 characters you choose as your main character at the beginning of the game. No matter which character you choose though, the story revolves around saving the world by releasing the power of the eight Mana stones. I won't reveal any more of the story, in case you haven't played this one yet, but trust me, it's worth it.

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